Monday, January 17, 2011

Apparently I wasn't off my rocker!

So, I did it. I talked to my husband about my stay at home idea and he was totally on board. Honestly, I was totally shocked. I didn't think he was ready for me to be at home yet, I definitely thought he was going to want to have me a wait a few more years. I couldn't have been more wrong!

We were totally on the same page w/ so many things, sometimes apparently all you need to do is talk! HA! Who would've thought.

Anywho, the one thing we have to wait on before we can make any final decisions or starting making any definite plans is our tax return. The amount we get back is going to make it or break it. We also have to put his truck up for sale. So... here my friends is the plan.

Sell Truck
Get tax return
Use both of those to pay off both credit cards and my car
Take remainder (if any) and put it into savings
Try living 3 months on his salary plus a small portion of mine, and see if it's feasible

If it all works out, I'll get to stay home!!!! It would be my dream come true, you have no idea. While I don't mind working, and I do love my current job, I know I'm meant to stay at home. I'm meant to be a mom and a wife all the time.

Also, I've started my Mary Kay business back up! Very exciting stuff. I did it for a while last year and did pretty good with it, but personal and work related issues got in the way, and I just did have enough time or effort to continue to make it work. Which sucked, because it's a lot of fun, I really enjoyed doing it. If I'm able to get a consistent income from it, it will be able to be my part time job while I stay at home!! That would be amazing. If not though, I will have to get a part time job just a few days a week.

I'm so excited you guys, you have no idea. I never thought it would even be possible for this day to come anytime soon. Especially not this soon. Within 6 months I could be waking up with my baby everyday! I couldn't ask for more. Wish me luck!

*** If you're interested in any Mary Kay products, samples, hosting a party, or in the Mary Kay opportunity please feel free to email me through the contact section near the top right of the page!


A said...

I've been fortunate to stay home since 2003. I have a 7yr son and 4yr daughter. Their early and formative years go by so quickly. When my daughter starts going to school full-time in 2012, I'll need to go back into the workforce. Good luck to you, I hope it works out!

Babysmartees said...

Congratulations! Found you on Mom Blogger and so glad I did. This will work out for you. You have a good plan and that is usually what it takes.

On the other hand, we didn't have such a good plan and have mostly just been lucky. But luck has run out and I am back looking for work. On the plus side, my son has had a parent at home for all of his 4 years. So this won't be the worse thing.

Your site is good and I will visit again. Hope you will drop in on my site and like it enough to follow:

Happy weekend, Paula

Admin said...

Hooray on Staying at home! :))

Laila @OnlyLaila said...

YAY! That sounds like a awesome plan you have in place, hope everything works out.

*Nikki* said...

oh maybe i should talk to my hubby!!
congrats..i hope it works!!

kaitlin johnston said...

hi -

i just came across your blog and i think its so neat that you are a wife and a mom at 23 ! and now you might get to stay at home what a great way to complete it .. by now you probably know whether or not it is feasible for you guys at this time. i look forward to reading more from you and getting to connect with you :)

- kaitlin

Unknown said...

I DREAM of staying home. Need a plan for that. :)

Confessions of a Single Mommy said...

Yay for you! I'm a new follower. Come check out mine, you may just want to follow back!


Anonymous said...

Years ago I was able to become a stay at home mom by simply making a few budget cuts. For a few years we had no cable TV, and we didn't have a car payment, but it was so worth it because I got to stay home with my babies. Now, I work part time for the school district so that I am always home when the kids are home, but I sometimes bring in a few dollars! :) With 7 kids, we always need a few more of those...

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